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Officials say Chinese investors help boost Kenya’s economy

NAIROBI, Sept. 27 (Xinhua) — Officials said on Friday that the entry of Chinese investors has helped boost the competitiveness of Kenya’s economy.
Tobias Alando, acting chief executive officer (CEO) of the Kenya Association of Manufacturers, told Xinhua in the Kenyan capital of Nairobi that Chinese entrepreneurs have established a presence in the building, mining, construction, fast-moving consumer goods, and textile sectors where they have expanded the portfolio of products produced locally.
“Kenya is benefiting from technology transfer from Chinese investors by enhancing the quality of goods made domestically,” Alando said on the sidelines of a forum on policy and legislative reforms organized by the Kenyan Ministry of Investments, Trade and Industry.
Alando added that Chinese investors in the manufacturing sector are helping position Kenya as an industrial hub for Africa by enhancing the country’s export capacity.
Wambui Mbarire, CEO of the Retail Trade Association of Kenya, said Chinese investors have injected new impetus into the country’s wholesale and retail trade by diversifying the range of goods available to Kenyan consumers.
She noted that Chinese investors have introduced new business models in the retail sector that have increased access to household items and electronic goods to Kenyan consumers. ■
